Member-only story
Book Review…. Please!
Plenty of hours have been spent by your friend or family member in creating their self-published book. The book may be in an unfamiliar genre like science fiction, sports, fantasy or poetry, but thousands of hours or at least hundreds have been sleep deprived, researching, creating, comma splicing, cursing, not eating and crying to finally have a finished manuscript. It’s only really finished after your editor has unsheathed their grammar and punctuation machete and made the deep cuts to your newly found first draft. After these revisions are completed and behind the scenes machinations have occurred; your human has now self-published. It’s very exciting, awe-inspiring and humbling for the author. Please add sprinkles to the self-publishing cake by purchasing the book and writing a book review.
- A book review will take 3–6 minutes to write
- It gives the reviewer a chance to tell the author how they feel about their work.
- It tells other prospective readers, why they should read the book
- It shows other reviewers, that your review is fantastic, so they better BRING IT!
- The author will be grateful to see that their book has been read and appreciated.
6. Goodreads, Amazon, Google, Bookish, YouTube, Book Riot and LibraryThing are a few platforms where you can place a review.
Now is a great time to go write that book review. Thanks to all.