Member-only story
Well stacked
I survived clothes shopping with Mom. This wasn’t the first time we ever went clothes shopping, this was the first time we went occasion dress shopping. The Spring Dance was Mom’s coming out party with me as her shiny object. She was ecstatic and living a new dream. She had me stay home from school, so we could discuss her thoughts on the Dance, what I should wear, hair, shoes, make up, yada yada yada. She was droning on so much and I was trying not to listen; I almost missed her question on who asked me to the Dance. I told her it was Chuck Yeardly. She wanted to know all about him. I told her that he was cool and toothless. She was not deterred by my comment, she said she would ask the pillars of the community and get the real lowdown. The pillars are going to crumble when they have to search and find out about his family dynamic.
We went to all the fancy dress shops in town and out of town. I was her private assignment runway model, prancing through the store, standing around listening to solicited commentary from store personnel and random customers. I was not asked what I wanted, so I dutifully sashayed and spoke with Mom in between stops. I had to plant the seeds of what I wanted while Mom was distracted by driving. I wanted a frock that showed off my assets without looking like a harlot. Eventually, Mom purchased two dresses for me, both with flowers. The one I favored had small flowers with a beige background. It moved and cradled my boobs appropriately. The other was an ostentatious frock with large flowers and bows that made my Mom salivate. It was too busy and my assets were…